About Us

Independent Insurance Price Searching Services


Adz Insurance is your trusted source for independent insurance price search services tailored to the needs of UK consumers

Our commitment is to work exclusively on behalf of our valued customers, dedicated to uncovering the most competitive rates in the insurance market while refraining from acting as brokers or engaging in regulatory activities (as outlined by the FCA).

Our proficiency is evident in our ability to understand each insurers appetite for risk and therefore who offers the most cost-effective options based on the personal circumstances of our clients.

Leveraging the open market and internet quote engines, we have consistently achieved impressive savings of up to 40% for our clients.

What sets us apart is our transparent pricing approach. Unlike Insurance Brokers who earn commission and hidden charges, our remuneration consists of a straightforward policy fee that is disclosed upfront. We want you to be confident in knowing that we do not receive any fees or commissions from insurers.

When you accept the terms we find on your behalf, rest assured that you retain full control of your policy. Insurers will communicate directly with you, using your provided correspondence address and contact details, for any changes or amendments. Your convenience and significant cost savings remain central to our service approach.